A joke........ (Do laugh)
Justa break the ice.. after a long time in my blogging...........
A sardarji and a Bengali, both suffering from serious diseases, share thesame room in a hospital. They are taken violently ill and they cannot evenutter a word. After a few days of living together, the Bengali gets reallybored and wants to start off a conversation with his fellow patient. Herealises that he has not enough energy left to say a sentence; instead hejust attempts to say a word. After much effort he turns to the Sardarji,points his finger towards himself and says "Bengali". Sardarji doesn'twant to let the poor Bengali down who has struggled so hard to start aconversation. Sardarji musters all his energy and says "Punjabi" gesturingthe same way as Bengali did. Bengali is happy now and wants to continuethe conversation. After much more effort this time he says, again pointinghis finger towards himself "Sharath Bose" Sardarji after some effort says"Devindar Singh".Bengali is even happier that they now know each other's names.
After sometime, Bengali turns towards Sardarji and mustering all his energy says"Cancer" - - again doing the same gesture as before Sardarji smiles andwith some effort says "Aquarius"
nice to see u drop in....... actually i heard all the sardarji jokes v say in the southern part... r all converted into south indian ones in north!!!
still they r really funny.......
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