Thoughts on Mother's day
I wanted to write a few things on Mother's day.. (this is my first attempt in writing...)
On Mother's day.. Before I write something about Amma.. i want to write about my Patti (grandmom's)
1. My Dad's Mom..
Who even after her death is still an inspiration in my life....
Who took care of me from when i was born.. and asked my mom to pursue her dreams in her career...
Who treated my mom so well... never as a daughher in law..
Who taught me to treat everyone equally..
Who took wonderful care of grampa... from the age of 50 when he became almost blind.. to about 81 yrs when he died...
She is one of the most practical grandma's anybody can have.... she never used to dwell in the past and always give decisions which are applicable in the present..
She had preference for grandson but after she saw me grow up she changed, and also admitted the same to me..
She always used to tell me that One should be able to serve "High Tea" like the British and also be able to put "Ma kollam" in front of the house..(art with liquid rice flour outside the entrance of the house)
She used to watch cricket, Santa Barbara n bold and the beautiful (p.s she does not understand english ..jus watches the drama)
Always used to sit below the desk when i used to study and i remember reciting my answers to her ;-)....
She always used to tell me that.. If her father educated her lik her brother's, she would have become a lawyer.... she learnt to read and write basic english when she was 69...
In fact like so many my friends grandma's she was never desirous of attaining MOKSHA ... i have never seen her chanting hymns or prayers for more than 5 minutes....
She was one grandma whom i could tell about anything...
She was always there ready to listen to even silly stories which u had to tell w i came back from school, college. Or work..
She gave a lot of importance to education.. n never bugged me about "when will u get married" or "shall i match ur horoscope with ur aunts sister's son.. Who is in the U.S"
We grandchildren had officially given her a PhD in cooking...
She n my thata (grampa) were the "ideal couple" i have ever seen till date!!!
2. My Mom's Mom
She is the one who brought up 7 children with lot of love and care but with no money... (My grandpa.. could hav been greater than M.F Hussein.. But unfortunately he never took money from people who bought his paintings or his photographs)
She is the one from whom i learnt resilience..
She is still a bundle of energy at 85..
She is a super mom.. who can whip up dishes in matter of seconds...(jus lik they show in the kitchen gadget ads)
3. Finally My Mom
Actually Iam still learning a lot from her....................
She taught me to be "Myself"
I can talk to her about on just about ANYTHING
I lov the relationship which she has with my Dad.... Flexible yet firm.. (appa n me simply cannot do without her)
She makes lovely new dishes out of leftovers.. she never likes to waste stuff.. i for one.. do not know the diff.. n ask for more... (for me anything mixed with alu n peas is good enough)
I have no qualms about her being a working mom.. she took great care of me.. (not the kind of doting mom.. )
She is involved in all parts of my life... she knows everything... she is the one who can read my face..
Thanks to all of u for what i am today... and Happy Mother's day Everyday!!!( Want to write a lot more.. but am becoming nostalgic.........)
Wow! you have gerat gang there. Btw, I feel I don't need a mothers day to say to my mom "Mom, I love you". These `days` don't make sense to me..
Neither do I... but i thought i will jus write a little something.. from my heart that is all..!!!!
God made moms special - because they are virtually impossible to replace :-)
Smyta- Thks dear... u can keep in touch with me at my id:
thennavan- u absolutely got it right!! Three cheers to all amma's!!
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