Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics The WeatherPixie

The ink is not yet dry..........

My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.

29 April, 2005

Now for the Techniques of Problem solving...

Look out for these errors in problem definition and try to correct them using the following techniques.Techniques for Problem Restatement:

1. paraphrase: Restate the problem using different words without loosing the original meaning statement : How can we limit congestion on roads?

Paraphrase : "How can we keep road congestion from growing?"

2. 180 degrees : Turn the problem on its head statement : How can we get employees to come to company picnic?180 degrees : "How can we discourage employees from attending the picnic?"

Here answer to 180 degrees would be that picnic is scheduled at time when employees will be at church or are engaged in important personal activities. If so, then scheduling around those activities would be one way to get the employees to come to picnic.

3. Broaden the focus : Restate the problem in a larger contesting Statement : Should I change jobs?Broaden focus : "How do I achieve job security?"

4. Redirect the focus : Change the focus Statement : How can we boost sales?Redirected focus : How can we cut costs?

5. Ask "why": Ask "why" of the initial problem statement. Then formulate a new problem statement based on the answer. Then ask "why" again, and again restate the problem.

And finally, always remember that each problem situation has many participants. The "Problem Definition" is different for each participant. So always list down the problem taking into account each stockholders view separately.


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